Have you ever bitten into a perfectly ripe, juicy peach? The juice dribbles down your chin, your tastebuds are delighted with a slightly tart sweetness, and you experience a moment of pure joy! That's what eating a peach is like for me, anyway: Pure joy. When I began to consider the foundation for my business, I knew I wanted to embrace and embody that pure state of joy in order to cultivate it and share it with others. I have also since realized what a beautiful metaphor peaches are for the work that I do...
The Pit
The waste of the peach, often thrown away or into the compost pile. It is brown and dull, full of nooks and crannies and imperfections. Perhaps you are feeling like this peach pit: unwanted, unattractive, and imperfect. However, nourish the peach pit and it becomes...
A Seedling
The little green leaves that push their way through with the right support, they are still in need of a lot of tender care in order to survive and grow. A vulnerable state that, with the right continued nourishment and attention, will yield...
A Tree
Nourished and thriving. Strength, stability, reaching upward toward limitless possibilities. Large enough that growth will produce...
Beauty. Abundance. Love. Opening to the chance to become...
Juicy, vibrant, and delicious. Colorful, sweet, and sensuous. Ripe to share and bring enjoyment to the lives of others. And then...
The cycle starts again.
“Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring, and
because it has fresh peaches in it.”
Journey together
Whether you feel like you're in the pits of your experience, uncertain of how growth will come because you struggle to see the beauty or potential that you hold... or you are in the midst of new beginnings but need some support to thrive... or you have been holding all your strength for a long time, like the tree, but your branches are weak and you're not sure how you'll blossom this year (let alone make it through when the next storm hits)... I will meet you on your journey. Through compassion, curiosity, metaphor, and evidence-based practices, I’ll help you dig into the areas that need support and nourishment, weather the storms alongside you, and help you blossom so that you may reap the rewards of your sweet and juicy life. No matter the stage or the season, I will guide you to becoming the vibrant, colorful, and abundant being that I know you are.